Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Fly fishing the Huron River at Dexter-Huron Metropark, Northwest of Ann Arbor Michigan

Fly fishing the Ephron Leukon (White Fly) hatch on the Huron River yesterday I had a couple of interesting experiences. 
One: I got stuck in mud above my knees.
Two: A dead tree trunk fell from the shore and landed about 20 yards from me while I was untangling a rats nest in my fly line. Had I not been stopped to work on my line I would have been standing right under it when it fell. As it happened, the waves it generated washed right around me along with a bunch of bark and other debris. It doesn't look like much laying in the river, but it looked HUGE while it was coming down.
Three: I caught some fish!
Now, that doesn't happen every day!

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